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Understandig the Jewish Calendar

dc.contributorMoaz, Šelomo
dc.creatorBušvik, Natan, rabin
dc.description.abstractKalendar je nešto što stalno zaokuplja našu pažnju i zato je prirodno što smo zainteresovani za njega. Mnogi se pitaju zašto je jedna godina prestupna, a neka druga regularna, zašto praznici najčešće padaju u četvrtak i na Šabat, a ređe u sredu i petak, zašto neki meseci imaju dva dana tokom kojih se obeležava Roš Hodeš, a drugi samo jedan, i zašto se određene Sidrot Tore nekad čitaju zajedno, a nekad odvojeno. Principi kalendara pomoću kojih se može odgovoriti na ova pitanja objašnjeni su u različitim radovima Rišonim i Aharonim, uključujući različite tekstove kao što su Mišne Tora i Tur...sr
dc.description.abstractThe calendar is something that constantly occupied our attention and that is why it is natural that we are interested in it. Many wonder why one year is a leap year and the other is regular, why holidays usually fall on Thursday and Shabbat, and less often on Wednesday and Friday, why some months have two days during which Rosh Hodesh is celebrated, and others only one, and because certain parts of Sderot Torah is read sometimes together and sometimes separately. The principles of the calendar by which these questions can be answered are explained in various works by Rishonim and Aharonim, including various texts such as the Mishnah Torah and Tur...en
dc.publisherZemun : Književno društvo Pismo : Metaphysicasr
dc.subjectjevrejski kalendarsr
dc.subjectJewish calendarsr
dc.subjectvreme - astronomsko određivanjesr
dc.subjecttime - astronomical determinationsr
dc.titleKako razumeti jevrejski kalendarsr
dc.titleUnderstandig the Jewish Calendaren
dcterms.abstractБушвик, Натана, рабин; Како разумети јеврејски календар; Како разумети јеврејски календар;
dcterms.abstractБушвик, Натан, рабин; Како разумети јеврејски календар; Како разумети јеврејски календар;
dc.description.otherBiblioteka Ner Micva



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