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List of war victims 1941-1945, Jews

dc.creatorJakić, Marko
dc.description.abstractDa bi ovaj tragični spisak Jevreja stradalih tokom Drugog svetskog rata na prostoru Jugoslavije, bio objedinjen na "jednom mestu" zaslužan je Marko Jakić, priređivač opšteg spiska o jugoslovenskim civilnim žrtvama iz perioda Drugog svetskog rata. Svoja istraživanja započeo je u rodnom mestu Odžaku u Bosni i Hercegovini gde se pojavio problem oko utvrđivanja ukupnog broja žrtava, gde su različiti izvori prikazivali drugačije podatke. Uspeo je da sakupi imena sunarodnika iz dela svog mesta, da sakupi imena žrtava koje ničim nisu izazvale svoju tragičnu sudbinu. Niko od njih, niti jedan, nije imao oružje niti je pripadao nekim vojnim formacijama. Taj događaj i sećanje na nevine žrtve su ga motivisali da uloži svoje vreme i snagu i da pomogne da se podigne spomen ploču u kapeli na mesnom groblju na kome su upisana imena stradalih koja su po dosadašnjim istraživanjima poznata. Na spomeniku je ugraviran tekst koji svedoči o ovom tragičnom događaju - masakru koji su počinile ustaše 6. i 7. decembra 1944. godine u selu Trnjak. Tada je na zverski način od ukupno 693 meštana ubijeno njih 601, od toga 143 dece. Preživela su samo 92, koji se toga dana nisu zatekli u selu. Naredbu za masakr izdao je lično Mile Budak koji je tih dana boravio u Posavini. Dok je tragao za imenima stradalih iz svog mesta, gospodin Jakić je uočio da su za mnoge istraživače spiskovi žrtava do detalja poznati ali da oni nisu objavljeni u odgovarajućim formatima koji su lako pretraživi. Marko Jakić je ljubaznošću uprave Memorijalnog muzeja Jasenovac i Muzeja žrtava genocida iz Beograda dobio originalne podatke. Sve te podatke je uporedio i objedinio. Iz tog dobijenog jedinstvenog spiska ukupno stradalih, Jakić je izdvojio posebne spiskove odnosno tabele koje se odnose na Jevreje. U tabeli "Spisak žrtava rata 1941-1945, Jevreji" daju se podaci o imenu, imenu oca i prezimenu stradalog, polu, godini, mestu i opštini rođenja, godini, okolnostima i mestu smrti i izvorima iz kojih su podaci preuzeti. Takođe su napravljene još tri zbirne tabele - prema mestu i republici porekla, prema polu i uzrastu i prema prezimenima nastradalih. Konačni broj ovog tragičnog spiska Jevreja ubijenih u Jugoslaviji "stao je" na zastrašujućem broju od 63.224 ž
dc.description.abstractThis tragic list of Jews killed during the Second World War in Yugoslavia was united in "one place" by Marko Jakić, the organizer of the general list of Yugoslav civilian victims from the period of the Second World War. He began his research in his hometown Odžak in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where there was a problem with determining the total number of victims because different sources presented different data. He managed to collect 601 names of compatriots from his place, victims who did not cause their tragic fate in any way. None of them had weapons or belonged to any military formations. That event and the memory of the innocent victims motivated him to invest his time, energy and money for the monument in the local cemetery, where the names of the victims are inscribed. The text engraved on the monument testifies to a tragic event - the massacre committed by the Ustashas on December 6 and 7, 1944 in the village of Trnjak. At that time, out of a total of 693 locals, 601 of them were brutally killed, of which 143 were children. Only 92 locals who did not find themselves in the village that day survived. The order for the massacre was issued personally by Mile Budak, who was in Posavina in those days. While searching for the names of the victims from his place, Marko Jakić noticed that for many researchers, the lists of victims were known in detail, but that they were not published in appropriate formats that were easily searchable. With courtesy of the management of the Jasenovac Memorial Museum and the Museum of Genocide Victims from Belgrade, Marko Jakić received the original data. He compared and combined all that data. From that unique list of victims, Marko Jakić singled out special lists or tables that refer to Jews. The table "List of victims of the war 1941-1945, Jews" provides data on the name, father's name and surname of the victim, gender, year, place and municipality of birth, year, circumstances and place of death and sources from which the data were taken. Also, three more summary tables were made - according to the place and republic of origin, according to the gender and age and according to the surnames of the victims. The final number of this tragic list of Jews killed in Yugoslavia "stopped" at a frightening number of 63,224 victims.en
dc.publisherKanjiža : M. Jakićsr
dc.subjectJevreji - Holokaust - Jugoslavijasr
dc.subjectJews - Holocaust - Yugoslaviasr
dc.subjectJevreji, Holokaust, spiskovi žrtava - Jugoslavijasr
dc.subjectJews, Holocaust, list of victims - Yugoslaviasr
dc.titleSpisak žrtava rata 1941-1945, Jevrejisr
dc.titleList of war victims 1941-1945, Jewsen
dcterms.abstractЈакић, Марко; Списак жртава рата 1941-1945, Јевреји; Списак жртава рата 1941-1945, Јевреји;
dcterms.abstractЈакић, Марко; Списак жртава рата 1941-1945, Јевреји; Списак жртава рата 1941-1945, Јевреји;
dc.rights.holderMarko Jakićsr
dc.description.otherSpisak žrtava rata 1941-1945, Jevreji (List of victims of the war 1941-1945, Jews).en
dc.description.otherSpisak žrtava rata 1941-1945, Jevreji - pol i mesto porekla (List of war victims 1941-1945, Jews - gender and place of origin).
dc.description.otherSpisak žrtava rata 1941-1945, Jevreji - pol i godina stradanja (List of war victims 1941-1945, Jews - gender and year of death).
dc.description.otherSpisak žrtava rata 1941-1945, Jevreji - grupisan po prezimenima (List of victims of the war 1941-1945, Jews - grouped by surnames).sr
dc.description.otherKratice izvora podataka u tabelama preuzeti su iz objašnjenja Muzeja žrtava genocida i Javne ustanove spomen-područja Jasenovac (JUSP). U Muzeju su to oznaka informatora o žrtvi, onog ko je prijavio žrtvu i pojedinačno se može naći njegovo ime samo u Muzeju, a kod JUSPA su to njihove skraćenice. (Abbreviations of the data sources in the tables are taken from the explanation of the Museum of Genocide Victims and the Public Institution of the Jasenovac Memorial Area (JUSP). In the Museum, they are the mark of the informant about the victim, the one who reported the victim, and his name can be found individually only in the Museum, and in JUSPA these are their abbreviations).sr



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