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Foreword [Jewish Almanac for 5686 (1925/26)]

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.contributorMargel, Mojsije
dc.creatorAlkalaj, Isak
dc.description.abstractPo završetku Prvog svetskog rata, novostvorena država Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca (SHS), ulazi u period mira, stabilizacije i razvoja. Države koje su ušle u sastav SHS imaju različite istorije, mentalitete i kulture, kao i Jevreji koji iz njih potiču. Zbog toga se u Beogradu i Zagrebu drže kongresi na kojima se ciljevi jevrejske zajednice usaglašavaju i formira nova organizacija svih Jevreja sa teritorije SHS a Savez rabina pokreće zbornik "Jevrejski almanah". Ovaj zbornik je izlazio od 1925. do 1929. godine u Vršcu u izdanju Saveza rabina Kraljevine SHS, na srpskohrvatskom i nemačkom jeziku. Izašlo je pet brojeva. Časopis se bavio kulturno-istorijskim, literarnim i verskim pitanjima jevrejstva, značajem narodnih običaja i istorijsko-etnografskim proučavanjem Jevreja. U Predgovoru prvom godištu dr Isak Alkalaj, predsednik Saveza rabina Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca govori o razlozima za pokretanje
dc.description.abstractAfter the end of World War I, the newly created state of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (SCS) entered a period of peace, stabilization, and development. The countries that became part of the SCS have different histories, mentalities and cultures, as well as the Jews who come from them. That is why congresses are held in Belgrade and Zagreb at which the goals of the Jewish community are harmonized and a new organization of all Jews from the territory of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenians formed, and the Federation of Rabbis starts printing the collection "Jewish Almanac". This collection was published from 1925 to 1929 in Vršac by the Federation of Rabbis of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, in Serbo-Croatian and German. Five issues came out. The magazine dealt with cultural-historical, literary, and religious issues of Judaism, the importance of folk customs, and the historical-ethnographic study of Jews. In the Preface to the first year Dr. Isak Alkalaj, President of the Federation of Rabbis of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, talks about the reasons for publishing the
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H.
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5686 (1925/26)sr
dc.subjectJevrejski almanah (1925-1930)sr
dc.subjectJewish Almanac (1925-1930)sr
dc.subjectJevrejski almanah (Savez rabina Kraljevine S.H.S.) 1925-1930sr
dc.subjectJewish Almanac (Federation of Rabbis of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes) 1925-1930sr
dc.titlePredgovor [Jevrejski almanah za 5686 (1925/26) godinu]sr
dc.titleForeword [Jewish Almanac for 5686 (1925/26)]
dcterms.abstractAлкалај, Исак; Предговор (Јеврејски алманах за годину 5686 / 1925-1926); Предговор (Јеврејски алманах за годину 5686 / 1925-1926);
dcterms.abstractAлкалај, Исак; Предговор [Јеврејски алманах за 5686 (1925/26) годину]; Предговор [Јеврејски алманах за 5686 (1925/26) годину];
dc.description.otherStr. 9-15: Fotografije: dr Hosea Jacobi, nadrabin u Zagrebu; dr Hugo Spitzer, advokat; dr Friedrich Pops, advokat; dr David Alkalay, advokat; dr Hugo Kon, advokat i dr H. E. Kaufmann, nadrabin u



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