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Spots of Light - To Be a Woman in the Holocaust: Exhibition
dc.description.abstractU okviru konferencije "Glas žene u ledenoj tišini" premijerno je predstavljena izložbu "Tračci svetla - Biti žena u Holokaustu" sa pedagoškim vodičem za nastavnike. Izložbu je na srpskom jeziku priredio Teraforming. Izložba je pripremljena u posebnom "spremno-za-štampu" fomatu, tako da sve zainteresovane institucije u Republici Srbiji mogu besplatno da je preuzmu, odštampaju i izložbu postave u svojim sredinama. Izložba, kao i pedagoška uputstva za nastavnike, dostupni su na sajtu Teraforminga. "Tračci svetla" jedinstvena je izložba po mnogo čemu. Izložbu, kao i odgovarajući pedagoški vodič, razvilo je Odeljenje za putujuće izložbe Jad Vašem muzeja, kako bi na jedinstven način predstavili iskustva jevrejskih žena u raznim segmentima života, stradanja i preživljavanja za vreme Holokausta. Kroz 30 panela, "Tračci svetla" polaze od jedne drugačije i nedovoljno korištene perspektive u učenju o Holokaustu - rodne perspektive. "Tračci svetla" nam pokazuju da je nemoguće steći potpunije razumevanje Holokausta kao jednog od najstrašnijih zločina u istoriji čovečanstva bez uvida u specifičnost i posebnost iskustava ž
dc.description.abstractAs part of the conference "The Voice of Woman in Frozen Silence", the exhibition "Spots of Light - To Be a Woman in the Holocaust" with a pedagogical guide for teachers was presented for the first time. The exhibition was organized in Serbian by Terraforming. The exhibition is prepared in a special "ready2print format" - this way, schools, libraries, archives, museums, and other institutions in the Republic of Serbia will be able to download the exhibition free of charge, print, and exhibit it in their communities. The exhibition, as well as pedagogical instructions for teachers, are available on the Terraforming website. "Spots of Light" is a unique exhibition in many ways. The exhibition, so as an appropriate pedagogical guide, was developed by Yad Vashem Traveling Exhibition Department in order to present Jewish women’s experiences in different parts of their life, their suffering and surviving during the Holocaust, in a unique way. Through 30 panels, "Spots of Light" start from a different and underused perspective in Holocaust teaching - a gender perspective. "Spots of Light" are showing us that is impossible to gain a complete understanding of the Holocaust as one of the most horrific crimes in the history of humanity without insight into the specific and uniqueness of women’s
dc.publisherNovi Sad : Terraformingsr
dc.subjectHolokaust - izložbesr
dc.subjectHolocaust - exibitionsr
dc.subjectHolokaust - edukacijasr
dc.subjectHolokaust - ženesr
dc.subjectHolocaust - womensr
dc.titleTračci svetla - Biti žena u Holokaustu: Izložbasr
dc.titleSpots of Light - To Be a Woman in the Holocaust: Exhibitionsr
dcterms.abstractТрачци светла - Бити жена у Холокаусту: Изложба; Трачци светла - Бити жена у Холокаусту: Изложба;
dc.rights.holderYad Vashem Traveling Exhibiton Departmentsr
dc.description.otherPutem video linka iz Jerusalima, povodom prvog predstavljanja ove izložbe u Srbiji 26. januara 2021 u Kulturnom centru Novog Sada, Šeril Ohajan je održala specijalnu prezentaciju o izložbi. Prezentacija je deponovana u JDB pod nazivom "Spots of light - To Be a Woman in the Holocaust".
dc.description.otherThrough a video link from Jerusalem, on the occasion of the first presentation of this exhibition in Serbia on January 26, 2021, in the Cultural Center of Novi Sad, Cheryl Ohion held a special presentation about the exhibition. The presentation was deposited in JDL under the title "Spots of light - To Be a Woman in the Holocaust".



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