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Tračci svetla - Biti žena u Holokaustu: predavanje

dc.creatorOchayon, Sheryl
dc.description.abstractWithin the international online conference "The Voice of Woman in Frozen Silence" which was held on January 26, 2021, in Novi Sad, Sheryl Ochayon, Project Director of “Echoes and Reflections” at Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, spoke about women’s experiences in the Holocaust. The final outcome was the same for Jewish men and women - certain death in camps, but the path to that outcome was different. Over time, particularly, in the ’90s, it started to be understood that gender studies and studying what happens to women, specifically in the Holocaust, could lead us to have a much more nuanced and fine understanding of the human experience in the
dc.description.abstractU okviru međunarodne onlajn konferencije "Glas žene u ledenoj tišini" koja je održana 26. januara 2021. godine u Novom Sadu, Šeril Očajon, direktor obrazovnog programa "Odjeci i odrazi" u Jad Vašemu u Jerusalimu, govorila je o iskustvima žena u Holokaustu. Istakla je da je krajnji ishod bio isti i za jevrejske muškarce i žene - sigurna smrt u logorima, ali put do tog ishoda bio je različit. Tokom vremena, posebno 1990-ih, došlo se do spoznaje da rodni studiji i istraživanja o tome šta se desilo ženama, posebno za vreme Holokausta, mogu doprineti mnogo nijansiranijem i istančanijem razumevanju ljudskih iskustava za vreme
dc.publisherNovi Sad : Terraformingsr
dc.subjectHolokaust - ženesr
dc.subjectHolocaust - womensr
dc.subjectHolokaust - izložbesr
dc.subjectHolocaust - exibitionsr
dc.titleSpots of Light - To Be a Woman in the Holocaust: lecturesr
dc.titleTračci svetla - Biti žena u Holokaustu: predavanje
dcterms.abstractОцхаyон, Схерyл; Трачци светла - Бити жена у Холокаусту: предавање;
dcterms.abstractОцхаyон, Схерyл; Трачци светла - Бити жена у Холокаусту: предавање;
dc.description.otherTrajanje 18:48 minuta (duration 18:48 minutes).
dc.description.otherPutem video linka iz Jerusalima, povodom prvog predstavljanja istoimene izložbe u Srbiji 26. januara 2021 u Kulturnom centru Novog Sada, Šeril Ohajan je održala specijalnu prezentaciju. Katalog izložbe deponovan je u JDB pod "Tračci svetla - Biti žena u Holokaustu: Izložba".
dc.description.otherThrough a video link from Jerusalem, on the occasion of the first presentation of the exhibition of the same name in Serbia on January 26, 2021, in the Cultural Center of Novi Sad, Cheryl Ohion held a special presentation. The presentation was deposited in JDL under the title "Spots of Light - To Be a Woman in the Holocaust: Exhibition".
dc.description.otherLink na video (video link) []



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