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Our life struggle

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.creatorUrbach, Hinko
dc.description.abstractNadrabin dr Hinko Urbach u svom radu analizira različite životne okolnosti koje Jevrejima otežavaju borbu za opstanak, napredovanje, položaj u društvu, slobodu, lične i nacionalne ideale. Borba Jevrejina uvek je teža, povezana sa nesrazmerno više muka i napora, sa trošenjem više životne energije. Jevreji na svome putu nailaze na velike i često nesavladive spoljne prepreke i poteškoće, koje za ostali svet ne postoje. Oni podnose ogroman napor da bi odstranili ili savladali mržnju, zavist, zlobu i predrasuda njihove okoline. Prosečnom Jevrejinu ova borba oduzima skoro svu snagu i prerasta u tragičnu borba celog naroda. Dr Urbach govori o značajnoj ulozi žena koje prenose tradicionalnu atmosferu prave pobožnosti, uzvišenih tradicija i jevrejskog duha i u velikoj meri učestvuje u obrednom životu koji u jevrejskoj kući ima duboki etički značaj - uči nesebičnom delovanju, vršenju dužnosti i osećaju pripadnosti jevrejskom narodu. U tekstu autor govori i o jevrejskoj deci i omladini koja su i u najranijem detinjstvu i mladosti uskraćena za mnoga prava kao npr. pravo školovanja (Numerus clausus), zatim o meštovitim brakovima, asimilaciji, antisemitizmu, građanskim pravima i politici i režimima evropskih država koje se rđavo odnose prema
dc.description.abstractIn his work, senior rabbi Dr. Hinko Urbach analyzes various life circumstances that make it difficult for Jews to fight for survival, progress, position in society, freedom, personal and national ideals. The struggle of the Jews is always harder, connected with disproportionately more torment and effort, with the wasting of more life energy. On their way, the Jews come across such great and often invincible external obstacles and difficulties, which do not exist for the rest of the world. They put in a tremendous effort to remove or overcome the hatred, envy, malice, and prejudice of their surroundings. For the average Jew, this struggle takes away almost all his strength and grows into a tragic struggle for the entire nation. Dr. Urbach talks about the important role of women who transfer the traditional atmosphere of true piety, sublime traditions, and the Jewish spirit and largely participate in ritual life that has a deep ethical significance in the Jewish house - teach selfless action, duty, and a sense of belonging to the Jewish people. In the text, the author also talks about Jewish children and youth who were deprived of many rights in their earliest childhood and youth, such as the right to education (Numerus clausus), then on intermarriage, assimilation, anti-Semitism, civil rights, and the policies and regimes of European states that treat Jews
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H.
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5689 (1928/29)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - istorijasr
dc.subjectJews - historysr
dc.subjectJevreji - tradicijasr
dc.subjectJews - traditionsr
dc.titleNaša životna borbasr
dc.titleOur life strugglesr
dcterms.abstractУрбацх, Хинко; Оур лифе струггле; Оур лифе струггле; Наша животна борба; Наша животна борба;

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