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Jews in anthropological and ethnographic perspectives

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.creatorRéthy, Gustav
dc.description.abstractLekar dr Gustav Réthy u članku o antropološkim i etnografskim karakteristikama Jevreja analizira neke aspekte njihovih naslednih osobina. Podseća da ime Jevrejin potiče od hebrejske reči "Ivri" (prečanin). U ovom kontekstu taj pojam se odnosi na "onu stranu reke Jordana" (ever-Hajarden) odakle je Abraham došao u zemlju Kanaan. Kasnije su se Jevreji nazivali Izraelićani po drugom imenu patrijarha Jakoba - "Izrael-Bogoborac". Ime "Židovi-Jehudim" nastalo je nakon povratka Jevreju u Palestinu posle 70-godišnjeg ropstva u Vavilonu zbog toga što je najviše prognanka pripadalo nekadašnjoj kraljevini Jehuda. Dr Réthy smatra da još nije potpuno razjašnjen status Jevreja u antropološkom pogledu. Iako su Jevreji ranije smatrani tipom semitske rase, novija istraživanja su dokazala da je semitskog porekla samo deo Jevreja koji žive u severnoj Africi i Jemenu. Veći deo svih ostalih Jevreja ne odgovara po svojoj spoljašnosti onome što se kod Arapa i Sirijaca naziva semitskim habitusom. U daljem tekstu autor analizira karakteristike različitih jevrejskih zajednica, jezike, običaje i mešanje sa drugim narodima. Zaključuje da se, uprkos različitim životnim okolnostima, jevrejski tip sa retkom doslednošću održao sve do današnjih
dc.description.abstractIn an article on the anthropological and ethnographic characteristics of Jews, Dr. Gustav Réthy analyzes some aspects of their hereditary characteristics. He reminds that the name Jew comes from the Hebrew word "Ivri". In this context, the term refers to "the other side of the Jordan River" (ever-Hayarden) from where Abraham came to the land of Canaan. Later, the Jews were called Israelites by the second name of Patriarch Jacob - "Israel-God-fighter". The name "Jews-Yehudim" originated after the return of Jews to Palestine after 70 years of slavery in Babylon because most of the exiles belonged to the former kingdom of Yehuda. Dr. Réthy believes that the status of Jews in anthropological terms has not yet been fully clarified. Although Jews were previously considered a type of Semitic race, recent research has shown that only a fraction of Jews living in North Africa and Yemen are of Semitic origin. Most of all other Jews do not correspond in appearance to what is called a Semitic habitus by Arabs and Syrians. In the following text, the author analyzes the characteristics of different Jewish communities, languages, customs, and mixing with other nations. He concludes that, despite various life circumstances, the Jewish type has persisted with rare consistency to this
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H.
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5689 (1928/29)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - karakteristikesr
dc.subjectJews - characteristicssr
dc.subjectJevreji - antropološke karakteristikesr
dc.subjectJews - anthropological characteristicssr
dc.subjectJevreji - etnografske karakteristikesr
dc.subjectJews - ethnographic characteristicssr
dc.titleJevreji u antropološkom i etnografskom pogledusr
dc.titleJews in anthropological and ethnographic perspectivessr
dcterms.abstractРéтхy, Густав; Јевреји у антрополошком и етнографском погледу; Јевреји у антрополошком и етнографском погледу;



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