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Golem. According to the stories of Sefer Niflaot Maharal, Lemberg 1910.

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.description.abstractJuda Lou ben Bezalel ili Rabin Lou (Löw, Loewe, Löwe, ili Levai, između 1512 i 1526?-1609), poznat je i kao Praški maharal, ili jednostavno Maharal. Bio je poznati talmudista, jevrejski mistik i filozof koji je veći deo svog života služio kao vodeći rabin u Moravskoj i Bohemiji. U svetu izučavanja Tore i Talmuda, Bezalel je poznat po svojim delima o jevrejskoj filozofiji i jevrejskom misticizmu i radu "Gur Aryeh al HaTorah", opširnoj raspravi Rašijevog tumačenja Tore. Prema legendi iz 19. veka smatra se da je stvorio Golema iz Praga, mitološko biće načinjeno od gline. U petom godištu "Jevrejskog almanaha" (1929) objavljeno je nekoliko legendi iz Sefer Niflaot Maharal o Golemu i rabinu Bezalelu.sr
dc.description.abstractYehudah Leib ben Betsal’el or Rabbi Lou (Löw, Loewe, Löwe, or Levai, between 1512 and 1526? -1609), is also known as the Prague Maharal, or simply Maharal. He was a well-known Talmudist, Jewish mystic, and philosopher who served most of his life as a leading rabbi in Moravia and Bohemia. In the world of the study of the Torah and the Talmud, Bezalel is known for his works on Jewish philosophy and Jewish mysticism and the work "Gur Aryeh al HaTorah", an extensive discussion of Rashi's interpretation of the Torah. According to a legend from the 19th century, it is believed that he created the Golem of Prague, a mythological creature made of clay. In the fifth year of the "Jewish Almanah" (1929), several legends from Sefer Niflaot Maharal about Golem and Rabbi Bezalel were published.sr
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H. S.sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5690 (1929/30)sr
dc.subjectGolem - pričesr
dc.subjectGolem - storiessr
dc.subjectJuda Lou ben Bezalel (između 1512 i 1526?-1609) - Golemsr
dc.subjectYehudah Leib ben Betsal’el (between 1512 and 1526? -1609) - Golemsr
dc.subjectMaharal (Juda Lou ben Bezalel) - Golemsr
dc.subjectPraški Maharal - Golemsr
dc.subjectPrague Maharal - Golemsr
dc.titleGolem. Po pričama Sefer Niflaot Maharal, Lemberg 1910.sr
dc.titleGolem. According to the stories of Sefer Niflaot Maharal, Lemberg 1910.sr
dcterms.abstractГолем. По причама Сефер Нифлаот Махарал, Лемберг 1910.; Голем. По причама Сефер Нифлаот Махарал, Лемберг 1910.;



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