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Almuzlino family: from the 13th to the 20th century

dc.creatorPantelić, Zoran
dc.description.abstract"Hebrejska reč "ŠOREŠ" na srpskom znači "KOREN". Želju da saznam svoj "ŠOREŠ" nosio sam dugo godina, do momenta kada sam kazivanja, koja sam slušao u porodici, podredio dokumentima i činjenicama. Prve podatke o porodici Almuzlino pronašao sam u španskom arhivu, gde se spominju neki članovi ove porodice u gradu Haka (Jaca) u Aragonu 1226. godine. Prateći kroz dokumenta njihov život u Španiji kao i progon iz te zemlje, dolazak u Otomansku imperiju, u Solun kao novu otadžbinu, i odlazak jednog člana te porodice u Beograd 1666. godine, od kada se prezime Almuzlino prvi put spominje u ovom gradu, polako je nastajala ova knjiga. Danas u Beogradu ni jedna osoba ne nosi prezime ALMUZLINO iako ima još živih potomaka. Ovo je knjiga o onima kojih više nema, ali koji i dalje žive u sećanju svojih potomaka. Prilikom pisanja trudio sam se da sakupim što više podataka koji su bili dostupni u onoj meri koliko je naša zemlja, na nemirnom i čestim ratovima pustošenom Balkanu, uspela da sačuva. U jednom momentu spojile su se venčanjem dve porodice, Almuzlino i Albahari, pa sam pored moje glavne teme, porodice Almuzlino, osetio obavezu da i o ovoj drugoj nešto napišem".sr
dc.description.abstractThe Hebrew word "SHORESH" in Serbian means "ROOT". I carried the desire to find out my "SHORESH" for many years, until the moment when I subordinated the narrations, which I listened to in the family, to documents and facts. I found the first information about the Almuzlino family in the Spanish archives, where some members of this family are mentioned in the city of Haka (Jaca) in Aragon in 1226. Following through documents their life in Spain as well as persecution from that country, coming in the Ottoman Empire, in Thessaloniki as a new homeland, and the departure of one member of that family in Belgrade in 1666, when the surname Almuzlino was first mentioned in this city, this book was slowly being written in. Today in Belgrade no one person bears the surname ALMUZLINO even though there are still living descendants. While writing, I tried to collect as much data as possible, which was available to the extent that our country, in the turbulent and frequent wars devastated Balkans, managed to preserve. At that moment, two families, Almuzlino and Albahari, coupled together with their wedding, so in addition to my main topic, the Almuzlino family, I felt obliged to write something about the other."sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Z. Pantelićsr
dc.subjectAlmuzlino, porodicasr
dc.subjectAlmuzlino, familysr
dc.subjectAlbahari, porodicasr
dc.subjectAlbahari, familysr
dc.titlePorodica Almuzlino: od 13. do 20. vekasr
dc.titleAlmuzlino family: from the 13th to the 20th century
dcterms.abstractПантелић, Зоран; Породица Aлмузлино: од 13. до 20. века; Породица Aлмузлино: од 13. до 20. века;
dc.rights.holderZoran Pantelićsr

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