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Posredovanje u sećanju preživelih prve i druge generacije: Magda Bošan Simin i Nevena Simin "Zašto su ćutale: majka i ćerka o istom ratu"

dc.creatorVidaković Petrov, Krinka
dc.identifier.issn1506-9729; 2450-0100 (online)
dc.description.abstractThe reasons for researching the works of Yugoslav author Magda Bošan Simin are several: (1) her novel "When the Sour Cherries Bloom" (1958) was probably the first literary representation of the Holocaust written by a woman author in Yugoslavia; (2) Bošan Simin represents the Holocaust in multiple formats (documentary prose, memoir, autobiographical novel); (3) the book "Why They Said Nothing: Mother and Daughter on One and the Same War" (2009, English edition 2015) is a narrative comprised of texts written by both Magda Bošan Simin as a Holocaust survivor and her daughter Nevena Simin as a second-generation Holocaust survivor. The research focuses on Holocaust survivors and their post-Holocaust children, issues of memory in Holocaust representation, types of memory, memory mediation, author’s intentionality, and gender and identity
dc.description.abstractRazloga za istraživanja dela jugoslovenske autorke Magde Bošan Simin je nekoliko: (1) njen roman "Kad cvetaju višnje" (1958.) verovatno prvi književni prikaz Holokausta koji je napisala žena autor u Jugoslaviji; (2) Bošan Simin predstavlja Holokaust u više formata (dokumentarna proza, memoari, autobiografski roman); (3) knjiga "Zašto su ćutale: majka i ćerka u istom ratu" (2009, Englesko izdanje 2015) je narativ koji se sastoji od tekstova koje su napisale obe - Magde Bošan Simin kao preživela Holokausta i njena ćerka Nevena Simin kao druga generacija preživele Holokaust. Istraživanje se fokusira na preživele Holokausta i njihovu decu posle Holokausta, pitanje sećanja u predstavljanju Holokausta, vrste pamćenja, posredovanje u pamćenju, autorska intencionalnost, pol i pitanja
dc.publisherKraków : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (Jagiellonian University Press)sr
dc.sourceStudia Judaicasr
dc.subjectHolokaust - reprezentacijasr
dc.subjectformati reprezentacije Holokaustasr
dc.subjectuloga pamćenja i posredovanja pamćenjasr
dc.subjectprimarna i sekundarna memorijasr
dc.subjectPreživeli Holokausta - prva generacijasr
dc.subjectPreživeli Holokausta - druga generacijasr
dc.subjectHolokaust - rodsr
dc.subjectHolokaust - identitetsr
dc.subjectHolocaust - representationsr
dc.subjectformats of Holocaust representationsr
dc.subjectthe role of memory and memory mediationsr
dc.subjectprimary and secondary memorysr
dc.subjectHolocaust survivors - the first generationsr
dc.subjectHolocaust survivors - the second generationsr
dc.subjectHolocaust - gendersr
dc.subjectHolocaust - identitysr
dc.titleMemory mediation by first- and second-generation survivors: Why they said nothing: mother and daughter on one and the same war by Magda Bošan Simin and Nevena Siminsr
dc.titlePosredovanje u sećanju preživelih prve i druge generacije: Magda Bošan Simin i Nevena Simin "Zašto su ćutale: majka i ćerka o istom ratu"sr
dc.citation.issue1 (41)
dc.description.otherTema ovog broja: "Balkanske Jevrejke" (the topic of this issue: "Balkan Jewish women").sr

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