Prikaz rezultata 674-693 od 1100

      R. Shelomo Ibn Verga and the birth of the idea of relativity and subjectivity of religion as a response to the trauma of the 1492 expulsion [in Judeo-Spanish] [1]
      Rabi Šelomo Ibn Verga i rađanje ideje relativnosti i subjektivnosti religije kao odgovor na traumu proterivanja 1492. [na judeo-španskom] [1]
      Rachel (Rae) Dalven: an accomplished female Romaniote historian, translator, and playwright [1]
      Rana sjećanja, Osijek 1941-1943, Mađarska 1943-1945. [1]
      Recalling the days of horror [1]
      Rečnik manje poznatih reči i pojmova [1]
      Reescribir un texto para redefinir una identidad: La Agada de la guerra para el día de Pesah de Nissim Siman-Tov ‘Eli y la autopercepción de los sefardíes de Turquía después de la Primera Guerra Mundial [1]
      Refugees [1]
      Rejčel (Rej) Dalven: uspešna istoričarka, prevodilac i dramski pisac [1]
      Relacje Żydów ze społecznością nieżydowską w Kosowie i Metochii między dwiema wojnami światowymi - od autocentryzmu do asymilacji [1]
      Relations among Jews and Gentiles in Kosovo and Metohija between the Two World Wars: From Autocentrism to Assimilation [1]
      Remember? [1]
      Remembrance Book of Holocaust Victims in Belgrade: from archival materials of the City of Belgrade 1st District People's Committee [1]
      Reminiscences open new wounds [1]
      Resistance to totalitarianism: can it make a difference? 80 years since Operation Valkyrie [1]
      Restitucija umetnosti, judaike i drugih kulturnih dobara opljačkanih u Srbiji tokom Drugog svetskog rata [1]
      Restitution as the legal vacuum in the system of law [1]
      Restitution in Serbia, February 2014 [1]
      Restitution of art, Judaica, and other cultural property plundered in Serbia during World War II [1]
      Rethinking the Holocaust novel in Yugoslavia: from Hinko Gottlieb to Aleksandar Petrov's "Like Gold in Fire" [1]