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Two loves and one war of Eva Panić Nahir

dc.contributorNahir Panić, Eva
dc.contributorMiščančuk, Marija
dc.contributorVugrin, Dragica
dc.creatorLičanin, Aleksandra
dc.description.abstractOvo je knjiga o ženi koja je svojom životnom kalvarijom „zaradila“ titulu prve počasne građanke Grada Čakovca, dodijeljenu joj 2014. (u povodu 70. obljetnice odvođenja Židova iz Međimurja i okolice u nacističke logore), ali i općenito o položaju Židova u Međimurju davnih godina. Eva Panić Nahir rođenoj Kelemen je prošla kroz, za većinu nas, bezizlazne situacije kroz koje je samo ojačala i stekla ogromno životno iskustvo. Život je prema Evi bio i više nego surov, a rečenica koju danas od nje čujemo „Ja sam dobro” govori kako je pronašla mir i smirenje. Njen današnji životni moto: „Ne postoje dobri i loši narodi, već samo dobre i loše osobe“ dokazuje da živi život ispunjen tolerancijom i ljubavi. Kada govori o svome prvom mužu Radoslavu Paniću, kao da piše roman. Ljubav prema njemu ju je i povela iz rodnog Čakovca, spasila joj život, dala mu smisao. U vihoru Drugoga svjetskog rata odvela ju je u špijunski svijet, a kasnije u zatvor i ženski logor na otoku Sveti
dc.description.abstractThis is a book about a woman who through her life's ordeal "earned" the title of the first honorary citizen of the City of Čakovec, awarded to her in 2014 (on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the deportation of Jews from Međimurje and its surroundings to the Nazi camps), but also about the position of Jews in Međimurje in ancient times. Eva Panić Nahir nee Kelemen has gone through situations which most would consider totally hopeless, but it only has strengthened her even more and enriched her life experience. Life was even more than cruel to Eva, and the sentence that we hear from her today: “I'm fine” tells us that she has found peace and serenity. Her current life motto “There are no good and bad nations, only good and bad people” proves that her life is filled with love and tolerance. When talking about her first husband Radoslav Panić, she sounds like she is writing a novel. It is liberating to know that such love exists in the real world. That love took her away from her hometown Čakovec, saved her life, and gave meaning to it. The windstorm of World War II took her to the world of espionage, later to prison and women's camp on the island of Sveti
dc.publisherČakovec : Matica hrvatska, Ogranak, Židovska općinasr
dc.subjectNahir Panić, Eva (1918-2015), biografijasr
dc.subjectNahir Panić, Eva (1918-2015), biographysr
dc.titleDvije ljubavi i jedan rat Eve Panić Nahirsr
dc.titleTwo loves and one war of Eva Panić Nahirsr
dc.description.otherKnjižnica Ogranka Matice hrvatske, Čakovec ; knjiga 49 (63)sr
dc.description.otherDeo knjige štampane na egleskom. Engleski tekst štampan u obrnutom smeru (part of the book printed in English. English text printed in reverse).
dc.description.otherKnjiga je tiskana uz potporu Međimurske županije, Grada Čakovca i tvrtke Zrinski d.d.

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