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Jesus and Judaism

dc.contributorFischer, Leopold
dc.creatorKaufmann, Herman Ezekiel
dc.description.abstractPovod za analizu dogmatskih i etičkih tema u hrišćanstvu i judaizmu u članku nadrabina dr Kaufmanna bilo je bogoslužbeno predavanje koje je održao najbolji jevrejski propovednik dr Stephen Wise u Njujorku u septembru 1925. godine. Njegovo predavanje u kome iznosi idealnu sliku Isusovog delovanja i učenja odnosilo se na delo profesora dr Josipa Klausnera "Isus Nazarećanin, njegovo doba, njegov život i njegova nauka". Iako su slušaoci bili oduševljeni, ovaj govor velikog reformnog rabina Amerike među konzervativnim Jevrejima izazvao je veliko nezadovoljstvo. Udruženje ortodoksnih rabina Amerike oštro je protestovalo protiv takvog govora i zahtevalo od cionističke uprave da rabin Wise istupi iz uprave "Keren-Hajesod". Moderno Jevrejstvo je ćutalo, a cionistima je čitava stvar bila nezgodna, jer je dr Stephen Wise bio jedan od najistaknutijih Jevreja i najplemenitijih Ijudi tog vremena. Bio je vredan i inteligentan čovek i veliki diplomata, blizak prijatelj američkog predsednika Vilsona. Nelagoda oko ovog događaja bila je otklonjena dogovorom sa konzervativnim cionistima i izjavom dr Wise-a koja je objavljena u dnevnim listovima Njujorka kojom donekle ublažava izgovorene reči o Isusu. Dr Kaufmann smatra da obrazovani ljudi, bez obzira na ispovest, trebaju znati zašto jedan rabin čija je dužnost da bude tumač nauka i načela Tore, ima moralno pravo da prikazuje Isusovo učenje kako je to učinio dr Wise. U ovom tekstu on razmatra činjenice i daje odgovore kroz tumačenje metafizičko-dogmatskog i moralno-etičkog hrišćanstva i jevrejskog učenja za vreme Isusa i neposredno posle njega. Navodi poznate verske rasprave između hrišćana i Jevreja kao i neka razmatranja poznatih filozofa. Kao zaključak navodi da je stav odbrane monoteizma u jevrejskoj zajednici koji su imali udruženi ortodoksni rabini razuman i ispravan.sr
dc.description.abstractThe reason for the analysis of dogmatic and ethical topics in Christianity and Judaism in Dr. Kaufmann's article was a liturgical lecture given by the best Jewish preacher, Dr. Stephen Wise, in New York in September 1925. His lecture, in which he presents an ideal picture of Jesus' actions and teachings, referred to the work of Professor Dr. Josip Klausner, "Jesus of Nazareth, his age, his life and his Christianity." Although the listeners were delighted, this speech of the great reform rabbi of America caused great dissatisfaction among conservative Jews. The Association of Orthodox Rabbis of America strongly protested against such a speech and demanded from the Zionist administration that Rabbi Wise resign from the administration of "Keren-Hayesod". Modern Judaism was silent, and the whole thing was inconvenient for the Zionists because Dr. Stephen Wise was one of the most prominent Jews and the high-minded people of that time. He was a hardworking and intelligent man and a great diplomat, a close friend of US President Wilson. The discomfort about this event was removed by an agreement with conservative Zionists and a statement by Dr. Wise that was published in New York dailies which somewhat softens the spoken words about Jesus. Dr. Kaufmann believes that educated people, regardless of confession, should know why a rabbi whose duty it is to interpret the teachings and principles of the Torah has a moral right to portray the teachings of Jesus as Dr. Wise did. In this text, he discusses the facts and gives answers through the interpretation of metaphysical-dogmatic and moral-ethical Christianity and Jewish teaching during Jesus and after him. He cites well-known religious debates between Christians and Jews, as well as some deliberations of famous philosophers. In conclusion, he states that the position of the defense of monotheism in the Jewish community that had united orthodox rabbis is reasonable and correct.sr
dc.publisherVršac : Savez rabina Kraljevine S. H. S.sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah za godinu 5687 (1926/27)sr
dc.subjecthrišćanstvo - judaizamsr
dc.subjectChristianity - Judaismsr
dc.titleIsus i Jevrejstvosr
dc.titleJesus and Judaismsr
dcterms.abstractКауфманн, Херман Езекиел; Јесус анд Јудаисм; Јесус анд Јудаисм; Исус и Јеврејство; Исус и Јеврејство;



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