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Visual culture and private identity of the Buli family

dc.creatorRožman, Milica
dc.description.abstractMonografija "Vizuelna kultura i privatni identitet porodice Buli" najpre ukazuje na građanski značaj porodice Buli u Beogradu i srpskom društvu tog doba, stoga što je jedan od modela privatnog života bio utemeljen na idejama i idealima građanskog društva. Porodica Buli predstavljala je jednu od najuglednijih sefardskih porodica koja je učestvovala u stvaranju društvenog i političkog života u Beogradu krajem 19. i početkom 20. veka. Autorka ove monografije navodi da o građanskom značaju ove porodice svedoče prikazi njenih članova u različitim medijima, poput portreta, fotografije i crteža koji, pre svega, ukazuju na postupke njihove vizuelne reprezentacije i samoreprezentacije. U radu se govori o tome da je porodica Buli želela da svoj ugled istakne podizanjem privatnih i javnih zdanja, kreirajući na taj način privatni identitet, a potom i vizuelnu kulturu samog grada, kao i izgradnjom porodične grobnice na Sefardskom groblju u Beogradu. Naglašava se da je grobnica ove porodice, kao počivalište više generacija, ogledalo porodičnog identiteta kao i različitih strategija i načina pamćenja kojima je ova funeralna celina formulisana. Autorka je po prvi put sintetizovala porodicu Buli u kontekstu vizuelne kulture. Ova monografija nastala je kao rezultat istraživanja koje je, pre svega, podrazumevalo povezivanje arhivske građe i ranije poznate literature u kojoj se sporadično spominje ova porodica. Autorka je kroz monografiju, pored primarno prikupljene građe, njene analize i interpretacije, sagledala značaj porodice Buli u srpskom građanskom društvu, dok je sa druge strane razmotrila odnos vizuelne kulture i načina iskazivanja privatnog identiteta sefardske zajednice u Beogradu. Monografija nastaje s ciljem da sa jednog drugačijeg stanovišta pruži prilog poznavanju jevrejske sefardske zajednice na tlu Srbije krajem 19. i u prvim decenijama 20. veka. Autorka se nada da će predstavljeno istraživanje biti od koristi budućim istraživačima u proučavanju ove nedovoljne zastupljene
dc.description.abstractThe monograph "Visual culture and private identity of Buli family" primarily emphasize the civil importance of the Buli family in Belgrade and Serbian society of the time, due to the fact that one of the models of private life was based on the ideas and ideals of the civil society. Buli family was one of the most reputable Sephardic families participating in the creation of social and political life in Belgrade during the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. The author argues that the civil importance of this family is attested to by representations of its members in various media such as portrait, photography and drawing, which primarily point to the acts of their visual representation and self-representation. The paper deals with the topic of the Buli family wanting to emphasize their reputation by building private and public edifices, creating in this way their private identity followed by the visual culture of the city itself, and also building the family sepulchre at the Sephardic cemetery in Belgrade. It is emphasized that the sepulchre of this family, as the resting place of several generations is a mirror of the family identity and also of different strategies and manners of remembering, which shape this funerary entity. The Buli family was synthesized in the context of visual culture for the first time by the author. This monograph was created as the result of research, which primarily related to the archive material and previously known literature where this family was occasionally mentioned. Through the monograph, apart from the initially collected material, its analysis and interpretation, the author also offers an overview of the importance of the Buli family in the Serbian civil society, while on the other hand the monograph also offers a consideration of the relationship between visual culture and the manner of expressing Belgrade Sephardic community’s private identity. This monograph was written with the aim of providing a contribution to the familiarity with the Jewish Sephardic community on the Serbian soil during the end of the 19th century and the first few decades of the 20th century from a different perspective. The author hopes the presented research will be of use to researchers in the future in studying this insufficiently present
dc.publisherBeograd : Zadužbina Andrejevićsr
dc.subjectBuli, porodica (Beograd)sr
dc.subjectBuli, family (Belgrade)sr
dc.subjectSefardi (Beograd)sr
dc.subjectSephardim (Belgrade)sr
dc.titleVizuelna kultura i privatni identitet porodice Bulisr
dc.titleVisual culture and private identity of the Buli familysr
dcterms.abstractРожман, Милица; Визуелна култура и приватни идентитет породице Були; Визуелна култура и приватни идентитет породице Були;

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