Приказ резултата 447-466 од 529

      The kids are running away. From the history of Jewish refugee children during World War II [1]
      The life of Jews during the occupation in the novel "Sarah's Key" by Tatiana de Rosnay [1]
      The meaning (and consequences) of using a photograph of a Holocaust victim's body in a fashion magazine [1]
      The military judiciary in post-war years [1]
      The new language oe humanism: do not forget the Holocaust! [1]
      The poetics of the testimony of the saved: from megilas to the big story [1]
      The political role of financial institution: Bankverein AG and Aryanization of Jewish property in Serbia [1]
      The reflection of the past and poetics of postmemory [1]
      The Righteous [1]
      The sale of confiscated Jewish immovable property in Serbia during World War II for financing war damages to Germans [1]
      The social perception of Anne Frank’s Diary in Yugoslav communism [1]
      The trauma of the others!? Yugoslav Holocaust films of the 1960s [1]
      The Voice of Women in the Frozen Silence: An international online event dedicated to the remembrance of the Holocaust (Novi Sad, January 26, 2021) [1]
      The Yugoslav planting campaign in Martyrs’ Forest 1952-1955: symbolism, rituals and meaning [1]
      Theological language and the Holocaust [1]
      Theology of intolerance and the Holocaust - from the chosen individual to the chosen people [1]
      Those who survived Holocaust - Avi Albahari [1]
      Three generations speak [1]
      Tkanje portreta. Martin Dejvidson: "Savršeni nacista" Penguin Books, London 2011. [1]
      Tlo i koreni nacizma: dva pristupa [1]