Приказ резултата 431-450 од 685

      Rachel (Rae) Dalven: an accomplished female Romaniote historian, translator, and playwright [1]
      Radionica "Jevrejska umetnost i tradicija 2023" [1]
      Rebeka u nutrini duše [1]
      Reflection of the past and the (po)ethics of post-memory in the novels "The emigrants" by Winfried Georg Sebald, "Hourglass" by Danilo Kiš and "W, or the Memory of Childhood" by George Perek: doctoral dissertation [1]
      Refleksija prošlosti i (po)etika postmemorije u romanima "Iseljenici" Vinfrida Georga Zebalda, "Peščanik" Danila Kiša i "V ili sećanje na detinjstvo" Žorža Pereka: doktorska disertacija [1]
      Refleksija prošlosti i poetika postmemorije [1]
      Rejčel (Rej) Dalven: uspešna istoričarka, prevodilac i dramski pisac [1]
      Relacje Żydów ze społecznością nieżydowską w Kosowie i Metochii między dwiema wojnami światowymi - od autocentryzmu do asymilacji [1]
      Relations among Jews and Gentiles in Kosovo and Metohija between the Two World Wars: From Autocentrism to Assimilation [1]
      Released for re-persecution. Jewish prisoners of the Kampor camp (Rab island) after evacuation [1]
      Remarkable Jewish women of Subotica [1]
      Repercussions on dreyfus affair in Croatian public opinion (1894-1906) [1]
      Report of the chief rabbi of Yugoslavia Dr. Isak Alkalaj on the events in Yugoslavia from the end of March to the end of June 1941 [1]
      Represija kao sistem - logori u okupiranoj Srbiji 1941-1945 [1]
      Repression as a system - camps in occupied Serbia 1941-1945 [1]
      Reprezentacija logora u romanu “Pisanje ili život” Horhea Sempruna [1]
      Restitucija umetnosti, judaike i drugih kulturnih dobara opljačkanih u Srbiji tokom Drugog svetskog rata [1]
      Restitution as the legal vacuum in the system of law [1]
      Restitution benefits citizens as well as the state [1]
      Restitution in Serbia, February 2014 [1]