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Why hatred towards Jews is unique

dc.contributorNinić, Ivan L.
dc.creatorPreger, Denis
dc.creatorTeljuškin, Josef
dc.description.abstract"Mržnja prema Jevrejima je najveća mržnja kojom se čovečanstvo ikada bavilo. I, dok je mržnja prema drugim grupama oduvek postojala, nijedna mržnja nije bila tako univerzalna, tako duboka ili tako postojana kao antisemitizam. Jevreji su bili predmet mržnje u paganskim, religioznim i sekularnim društvima. Fašisti su ih optuživali da su komunisti, komunisti su ih označili kao kapitaliste. Jevreji koji žive u nejevrejskim društvima optuživani su za dvostruku lojalnost, a Jevreji koji žive u jevrejskoj državi osuđivani su kao "rasisti". Siromašni Jevreji bivaju maltretirani, prema bogatima se gaji prezir. Jevreji su bivali označavani istovremeno kao bezobzirni kosmopoliti i kao etnički šovinisti. Asimilovani Jevreji se često nazivaju petom kolonom, dok oni koji ostaju zajedno s drugima često potpaljuju mržnju, jer su različiti od okruženja. Bukvalno stotine miliona ljudi veruju da Jevreji piju krv nejevreja, da izazivaju epidemije i truju bunare, da planiraju da osvoje svet i da su ubili samog Boga. O univerzalnosti antisemitizma svedoče nebrojene činjenice, od kojih je najdramatičnija da su Jevreji bili izgnani iz skoro svih zemalja u kojima su živeli..."sr
dc.description.abstract"Hatred of Jews is the greatest hatred that mankind has ever dealt with. And, while hatred of other groups has always existed, no hatred has been as universal, as deep, or as persistent as anti-Semitism. Jews have been the object of hatred in pagan, religious, and secular societies. Fascists accused them of being communists, communists labelled them capitalists. Jews living in non-Jewish societies were accused of dual loyalty, and Jews living in a Jewish state were denounced as "racists". Poor Jews were mistreated, according to the rich contempt is cultivated. Jews have been labelled both reckless cosmopolitans and ethnic chauvinists. Assimilated Jews are often referred to as the fifth column, while those who remain with others often incite hatred because they are different from their surroundings. Literally, hundreds of millions of people believe that Jews drink the blood of non-believers, that they cause epidemics and poison wells, that they plan to conquer the world and that they killed with of our God. The universality of anti-Semitism is evidenced by countless facts, the most dramatic of which is that Jews were expelled from almost all the countries in which they lived..."sr
dc.publisherNetanya : I. Ninićsr
dc.sourceLamed: list za radoznalesr
dc.titleZbog čega je mržnja prema Jevrejima jedinstvenasr
dc.titleWhy hatred towards Jews is uniquesr
dc.description.otherLink: [].sr

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