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Jewish portraits in the works of Ivo Andrić

dc.creatorInđić, Trivo
dc.description.abstractIzdavačka kuća Serbian Literary Company iz Toronta, koju vodi Sofija Skorić, osvedočeni i neumorni pregalac kulture iz srpske dijaspore, objavila je knjigu "Jevrejski portreti u delima Ive Andrića", koja je uzbudljiv i dragocen poziv na čitanje Andrićevih literarnih portreta Jevreja. Pred nama je osobena sinteza likovnih ilustracija - slika Dušice Savić Benghiat inspirisanih ovim Andrićevim likovima, i sažetog, prepričanog Andrićevog teksta iz pera Žanete Đukić Perišić. Ovaj tandem je znalački uronio u jedan izuzetno važan, nemiran i višeslojan deo Andrićevog opusa. U tome mu je pomogao znalački predgovor Đorđa Vida Tomaševića, emeritusa Univerziteta Buffalo države Njujork, kao i urednički i prevodilački rad Sofije Škorić. Knjiga je dvojezična, sa uporednim tekstovima na engleskom i srpskom jeziku. Objavljena je 2005. godine u bibliofilskom i u popularnom izdanju. Ovo je prilika da se podsetimo na trajne poruke koje zrače iz Andrićevog susreta sa Jevrejima i razumevanja njihovog života, istorijskog iskustva i sudbine.sr
dc.description.abstractThe publishing house Serbian Literary Company from Toronto, led by Sofija Skorić, a proven and tireless advocate of culture from the Serbian diaspora, published the book "Jewish portraits in the works of Ivo Andrić", which is an exciting and valuable invitation to read Andrić's literary portraits of Jews. The book is a special synthesis of art illustrations - paintings by Dušica Savić Benghiat inspired by these Andrić characters, and a concise retold Andrić text of Žaneta Đukić Perišić. This tandem skillfully immersed in an extremely important, restless and multi-layered part of Andrić's creativity. The foreword is written by expert Đorđe Vid Tomasevic, emeritus of the University of Buffalo, New York, and the editorial and translation work of Sofija Škorić. The book is bilingual, with comparative texts in English and Serbian. It was published in 2005 in a bibliophile and popular edition. This is an opportunity to recall the lasting messages that radiate from Andrić's encounter with the Jews and his understanding of their life, historical experience and destiny.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Jevrejska digitalna bibliotekasr
dc.subjectKnjiževnost - likovi - Jevrejisr
dc.subjectKnjiževnost - motivi - Jevrejisr
dc.subjectLiterature - characters - Jewssr
dc.subjectLiterature - motives - Jewssr
dc.titleJevrejski portreti u delima Ive Andrićasr
dc.titleJewish portraits in the works of Ivo Andrićsr
dc.description.otherOvaj tekst autora dr Trive Inđića objavljen je u časopisu "Bilten - Jevrejski pregled", broj 11 (novembar) 2005. godine, strane 15-16 (this text by dr. Trivo Inđić was published in the magazine "Bilten - Jevrejski pregled", issue 11, November 2005, pages 15-16).sr



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