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Samija Sarić: "Jewish cultural and other societies in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1885-1945." - Regesta, Sarajevo 1995.

dc.contributorKovačević, Matko
dc.creatorKristić, Slobodan
dc.description.abstractRegesta kao informativno sredstvo u arhivističkoj praksi nije često. Ono se koristi rijetko, samo kada se radi o izuzetno vrijednom fondu ili pojedinim dokumentima iz više fondova, a odnose se na istu temu, jer istraživaču pruža najpotpuniju informaciju o konkretnom dokumentu. Zato sama činjenica da se autor opredijelio da dokumenta koja se odnose na jevrejska kulturna i druga društva prezentira u formi regesta, dovoljno govori o vrijednosti i značaju te građe. Najveći dio pisane ostavštine bosanskohercegovačkih Jevreja je doživio sudbinu svojih tvoraca, nestao je za vrijeme Drugog svjetskog rata. U ovoj knjizi skupljeni su, obrađeni i prezentirani dokumenti koji su pronađeni u brojnim upravnim fondovima iz perioda od 1885. do 1945. godine kada se gasi rad ovih društava. Ona su faktički prestala sa radom 1941. godine, kada je otpočeo progon Jevreja, ali su društva formalno gašena postupno tokom rata, pod rukovodstvom za to određenih povjerenika koji su obavezno bili nejevreji i čije izvještaje (regeste) o likvidaciji društava nalazimo u ovoj knjizi.sr
dc.description.abstractRegesta as an informative tool in archival practice is not often. It is used rarely, only when dealing with an extremely valuable fund or individual documents from several funds, and they relate to the same topic because it provides the researcher with the most complete information about the specific document. That is why the very fact that the author decided to present documents related to Jewish cultural and other societies in the form of registers addresses volumes about the value and importance of that material. The largest part of the written heritage of the Jews of Bosnia and Herzegovina suffered the fate of its creators, it disappeared during the Second World War. In this book, documents that were found in numerous administrative funds from the period from 1885 to 1945, when the work of these societies was terminated, have been collected, processed and presented. They actually ceased to operate in 1941, when the persecution of Jews began, but the societies were formally closed down gradually during the war, under the leadership of specific trustees who were necessarily non-Jews and whose reports (registrations) on the liquidation of the societies can be found in this book.sr
dc.publisherSarajevo : Arhivističko udruženje Bosne i Hercegovine AUBiHsr
dc.sourceGlasnik Arhiva i Arhivističkog udruženja Bosne i Hercegovinesr
dc.subjectJevreji - kulturna društva - Bosna i Hercegovina - dokumentisr
dc.subjectJews - cultural societies - Bosnia and Herzegovina - documentssr
dc.titleSamija Sarić: "Jevrejska kulturna i druga društva u Bosni i Hercegovini 1885-1945." - Regesta, Sarajevo 1995.sr
dc.titleSamija Sarić: "Jewish cultural and other societies in Bosnia and Herzegovina 1885-1945." - Regesta, Sarajevo 1995.sr



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