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Istorija Jevreja Vojvodine

dc.contributorLoker, Cvi
dc.description.abstractKnjiga počinje opisom geografskih karakteristika regiona i nekim osnovnim podacima o dolasku Jevreja na teritoriju Vojvodine na kojoj je živela trećina jugoslovenskih Jevreja. U knjizi se hronološkim redom daje potpuniji pregled osnivanja jevrejskih naselja u kontekstu preovlađujućih društvenih i političkih prilika i dokumentuje njihov suživot sa lokalnim stanovništvom, uglavnom Srbima i Mađarima. Prvi tekst, profesora M. Frejdenberga, ispituje probleme sa kojima se suočavaju prve pridošlice i njihovu apsorpciju u lokalne obrasce života. Takođe se bavi događajima tokom 18. veka, pri čemu se posebna pažnja posvećuje demografskim i društvenim promenama u svetlu najvažnijih evropskih dešavanja. Drugi tekst Josefa Levingera, bavi se događajima i borbom za jednaka prava tokom 19-og i ranih godina 20. veka, pod različitom vlašću koji u pozadini oslikava postojeće nacionalne sukobe između Austrijanaca i Mađara, kao i one između vojvođanskih Mađara i Srba. U članku se ukazuje na uzročno-posledične veze između srpskog, a posebno mađarskog, antisemitizma i pojave prvih manifestacija nacionalne svesti kod Jevreja. Poslednji članak analizira početke i rane uspehe cionističkog pokreta koji je postao dominantan faktor u životu vojvođanskog jevrejstva dvadesetih godina 20. veka. Dopunjujući svoje izjave, urednik je priložio spisak cionističkih aktivista tog perioda, zajedno sa dostupnim biografskim podacima. Priložen je i registar sinagoga širom Vojvodine i spisak jevrejskih društava za uzajamnu pomoć. Među ovim poslednjima, najistaknutija je bolnica dr Bernard Singer - jedinstvena te vrste na jugoslovenskom tlu i „Dom za stare i siročad” u Novom Sadu. Obe ove institucije, iako uz lokalnu inicijativu, bile su otvorene za sve jugoslovenske Jevreje.sr
dc.description.abstractThe article opens with a description of the geographical features of the region and some basic information about the arrival of the Jews into the area. The book treats the fate of the Jews of Vojvodina, i.e. a territory in which one-third of Yugoslavia’s Jews resided. We are now endeavoring to present a more complete review, in chronological order, of the establishment of Jewish settlements within the context of prevailing social and political circumstances, as well as documenting their acceptance by and coexistence with the local populations, mainly the Serbs and the Hungarians. The first paper, by Professor M. Frejdenberg, examines the problems facing the first arrivals, and their absorption into local patterns of life. It also deals with events during the 18th century, paying particular attention to demographic and social changes in the wake of paramount European developments. The second paper, by Joseph Loewinger/Levinger, deals with events and the struggle for equal rights during the 19th century and early years of the 20th century, under different ruling authorities, against the background of existing national conflicts between Austrians and Hungarians, as well as those between Vojvodina’s Hungarians and Serbs. The article points out the causal links between Serbian, and particularly Hungarian, antisemitism and the appearance of the first manifestations of national consciousness among the Jews. The last article analyses the beginnings and early successes of the Zionist movement which became a dominant factor in the life of Vojvodina Jewry in the 1920s, and which had certain similarities to the Zionist movements which arose in other Yugoslav regions although it underwent a basically different process. Complementing his statements, the Editor has appended a list of Zionist activists of that period, together with available biographical data. A register of synagogues throughout Vojvodina and a list of Jewish mutual aid societies are also appended. Among the latter, the most prominent is the Dr. Bernard Singer Hospital - unique of its kind on Yugoslav soil - and the “Home for the Aged and Orphans” in Novi Sad. Both these institutions, though local initiatives, were open to all Yugoslav Jews.sr
dc.description.abstractתיאור תולדות היהדות על אדמת ווייוודינה אמור לתפוס מקום ייחודי בין תולדות יהודי הארצות הדרום־סלאביות. ראשית, משום שההיסטוריה של האזור כשלעצמו שונה באופן משמעותי מזו של מספר פלכים סרביים וקרואטיים. שנית, היהודים שיישבו את המקום היו שונים מרוב יושבי הפלכים הסרביים הוותיקים - הם היו אשכנזים ולא ספרדים. מצב זה התהווה אחרי גירושם הסופי של התורכים בסוף המאה ה־י״ז. לאור זאת נגדיר את הגבול המוקדם למחקרנו - סוף המאה ה־י״ז - תחילת המאה ה־י״ט. הגבול המאוחר הוא תקופת מלחמות נפוליאון. הבדל נוסף נעוץ בעובדה שההיסטוריה של יהדות ווייוודינה מתועדת במקורות במידה מלאה יותר מזו של יהדות הפלכים השכנים. ובוודאי נכון הדבר בהשוואה לתיעוד קורותיהם של יהודי סרביה עצמה, דרומה מנהרות הסאווה והדנובה. עם זאת, פרסומי המקורות מפליאים בחדשנותם - שכן רובם נתחברו רק לפני 15 שנה לכל היותר. על כך אנו אסירי־תודה לקבוצה קטנה של היסטוריונים מווייוודינה, שחקרו בארכיונם המקומיים. הם התחילו את חיפושיהם אחרי החומר שנשמר, הוציאו לא מעט דברים בלתי ידועים עד אז, ערכום ופרסמום. אמנם רוב החומר פורסם כהרצאת־סיפור ולא כהצגת מקורות, אך אין זה פוגע בערכו המדעי.sr
dc.publisherTel-Aviv ; Jerusalem : Hitahadut oley Yugoslavia in Israelsr
dc.subjectJevreji - Vojvodina - 17-19v - istorijasr
dc.subjectJews - Vojvodina - 17th-19th century - historysr
dc.titleיהודי וויוודינה בעת החדשהsr
dc.titleIstorija Jevreja Vojvodinesr
dc.titleHistory of the Jews of the Vojvodina region of Yugoslaviasr
dc.description.otherStr. 3: English Summaries / (The Historical Committee of the "Hitachdut Oley Yugoslavia", Association of the Jews originating from Yugoslavia).sr
dc.description.otherStr. 15: Istorija Jevreja Vojvodine : srpski-hrvatski izvodi / urednik Cvi Loker
dc.description.otherYalqut : (Research Papers, Essays & Records) ; 2



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