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Les minorites dans les Balkans: politique de l’etat et relations interethniques: (1804-2004)

dc.contributorBataković, Dušan, T.
dc.identifier.isbn978-86-7179-068-0 (karton)
dc.description.abstract"The questions surrounding the status of the minorities in the Balkans over the past two centuries, seen against the backdrop of various government policies and ideological patterns, or simply as a vital test of interethnic relations, have remained a focus of both political and scholarly attention. The state context and the status of various national and ethnic groups have often undergone dramatic changes. The Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire, two dominant multiethnic and multicultural empires encompassing most of the Balkans were seriously challenged by the rising national demands encouraged by the 1804 Serbian Revolution against Ottoman rule, and followed by a succession of wars for national liberation and the establishment of nation-states. Under such circumstances, the national question proved to be the key factor in the eventual dismantlement of both empires. Feudal and highly conservative, both the Ottoman and the Habsburg Empire were not only incapable of profound reform but also of working out alternatives to the increasingly appealing national causes coupled with predominantly liberal patterns of national liberation and state independence process as the ultimate objective. In that context, the relationship between the Balkan state and its majority nation (or majority nations), on the one hand, and its internationally protected minorities or other minority groups, on the other, were difficult and strained..."sr
dc.description.abstract"Pitanja koja se tiču statusa manjina na Balkanu u protekla dva veka, posmatrana u kontekstu različitih vladinih politika i ideoloških obrazaca, ili jednostavno kao vitalni test međuetničkih odnosa, ostala su u fokusu i političke i naučne pažnje. Državni kontekst i status različitih nacionalnih i etničkih grupa često su prolazili kroz dramatične promene. Habzburška monarhija i Otomansko carstvo, dve dominantne multietničke i multikulturalne imperije koje su obuhvatale veći deo Balkana, bile su ozbiljno izazvane rastućim nacionalnim zahtevima podstaknutim Srpskom revolucijom protiv otomanske vlasti 1804. i praćeni nizom ratova za nacionalno oslobođenje i uspostavljanje nacionalnih država. U takvim okolnostima nacionalno pitanje se pokazalo kao ključni faktor u konačnom razbijanju oba carstva. Feudalni i veoma konzervativni, i Otomansko i Habzburško carstvo nisu bili samo u stanju da izvrše duboke reforme, već i da razviju alternative sve privlačnijim nacionalnim uzrocima zajedno sa pretežno liberalnim obrascima nacionalnog oslobođenja i procesa nezavisnosti države kao krajnjeg cilja. U tom kontekstu, odnosi između balkanske države i njenog većinskog naroda (ili većinskih naroda), s jedne strane, i njenih međunarodno zaštićenih manjina ili drugih manjinskih grupa, s druge strane, bili su teški i zategnuti..."sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Balkanološki institut SANUsr
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MESTD/Basic Research (BR or ON)/177011/RS//sr
dc.subjectetnički odnosi - Balkanske države - 1804-2004sr
dc.subjectmanjine, etničke - Balkan - 1804-2004sr
dc.subjectJevreji - Balkanske države - 1804-2004sr
dc.subjectethnic relations - Balkan states - 1804-2004sr
dc.subjectminorities - Balkans - 1804-2004sr
dc.subjectJews - Balkan states - 1804-2004sr
dc.titleMinorities in the Balkans: state policy an interethnic relations: (1804-2004)sr
dc.titleLes minorites dans les Balkans: politique de l’etat et relations interethniques: (1804-2004)sr
dc.titleManjine na Balkanu: državna politika i međunacionalni odnosi: (1804-2004)sr
dc.description.otherSpecial Editions / Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute for Balkan Studies;
dc.description.otherU knjizi su na više mesta spomenuti Jevreji kao nacionalna manjina a članak Mladenke Ivanković "Jews and Yugoslavia 1918-1953" (str. 131-152) u potpunosti je posvećen ovoj temi (in the book, Jews are mentioned in several places as a national minority, and Mladenka Ivanković's article "Jews and Yugoslavia 1918-1953" (pp. 131-152) is entirely devoted to this topic).



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