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About Jewish names

dc.creatorLebl, Ženi
dc.description.abstractPo jevrejskom shvatanju, ime treba da prati čoveka od kolevke do groba. Ime je povezano sa životom, udesom, delovanjem njegovog nosioca. Ime treba da označi duševna i telesna svojstva koja roditelji priželjkuju za dete. Ime treba da bude izraz idealnih stremljenja, verskih, nacionalnih i socijalnih osećanja. Ime označava vezu sa istorijskom prošlošću i porodičnom tradicijom. Imena su Jevreji davali deci u nadi i sa željom da deca s imenom naslede i osobine i vrline velikih predaka ili milih pokojnika, uzora po kojima su ime dobila, da će ime imati odlučan uticaj na karakter deteta. Davana su imena narodnih velikana, proroka, mudraca, učitelja, mučenika i pravednika, pa i istorijskih i mitoloških junaka, jer je ime za Jevreje bilo simbol, znamenje za njegovog nosioca, koje je trebalo da nagovesti i donese mu nešto dobro - Bonum omen.sr
dc.description.abstractAccording to Jewish understanding, a name should follow a person from the cradle to the grave. The name is connected with the life, fate, and actions of its bearer. The name should indicate the mental and physical qualities that the parents wish for the child. The name should be an expression of ideal aspirations, and religious, national and social feelings. The name signifies a connection with the historical past and family tradition. Jews gave names to their children in the hope and with the desire that the children with the name would inherit the qualities and virtues of their great ancestors or beloved deceased, the role models they were named after, and that the name would have a decisive influence on the child's character. Names of national greats, prophets, sages, teachers, martyrs and righteous people, as well as historical and mythological heroes, were given, because the name for the Jews was a symbol, a sign for its bearer, which was supposed to foreshadow and bring him something good - Bonum omen.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Ženi leblsr
dc.subjectimena, jevrejskasr
dc.subjectJewish namessr
dc.titleO jevrejskim imenimasr
dc.titleAbout Jewish namessr
dc.description.otherRad Ženi Lebl dostavljen pod šifrom "Onomastika" je osvojio treću nagradu na 48. nagradnom konkursu Saveza jevrejskih opština Srbije i Crne za radove sa jevrejskom tematikom.sr



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