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The Restitution of Jewish Property in Croatia (From the Enactment of the Law on the Restitution of Property Taken under the Yugoslav Communist Rule to the Present)

dc.creatorDobrovšak, Ljiljana
dc.identifier.issn1846-3010 (Print)
dc.description.abstractU ovom radu autorica piše o povratu židovske imovine u Hrvatskoj, od devedesetih godina 20. stoljeća do danas. Zbog nedorečenih zakona te sporosti hrvatskog sudstva pitanje povrata židovske imovine još uvijek nije riješeno, a uglavnom se aktualizira kada se netko od hrvatskih vlasti sastaje s nekim iz Izraela ili američke administracije. Prema sadašnjim aktualnim propisima jedina židovska imovina koju je moguće vratiti je ona oduzeta nakon 1945. godine, dok je imovina koja je oduzeta u vrijeme NDH ostala nedirnuta, odnosno „zaštićena“ zakonima koji su doneseni još za vrijeme Jugoslavije. Sadašnji povrat oduzete imovine provodi se prema Zakonu o naknadi za imovinu, oduzetu za vrijeme jugoslavenske komunističke vladavine, koji je stupio na snagu 1997. godine, pri čemu su pravo povrata ili naknade imali samo hrvatski državljani u prvom nasljednom redu. Zakon je dopunjen 2002., kada je odlučeno da i stranci imaju pravo povrata. Od 2002. godine očekuju se izmjene Zakona o naknadi, posebice one koje se tiču židovske imovine koja nema nasljednika, ali do danas nisu donesene. Točan broj zaprimljenih i riješenih zahtjeva još uvijek je neutvrđ
dc.description.abstractThe author discusses the restitution of Jewish property in Croatia from the 1990s to the present. Due to vague laws and the sluggishness of the Croatian judiciary, the issue of the restitution of Jewish property has yet to be resolved. Generally, restitution only occurs when someone from the Croatian government meets with someone from Israel or the American administration. According to current regulations, the only Jewish property that can be returned is that confiscated after 1945, while property confiscated during the regime of the Independent State of Croatia has remained intact, i.e., “protected“ by laws that were adopted at the time of the former Yugoslavia. The current restitution of property is being carried out according to the Law on the Restitution of Property Taken under the Yugoslav Communist Rule, which went into force in 1997, according to which only Croatian citizens and their direct heirs were eligible for restitution or compensation of property. The law was amended in 2002, when it was ruled that foreign claimants were entitled to restitution. Since 2002, amendments to this law have been anticipated, particularly regarding Jewish property in cases when there are no heirs, but nothing has been done so far. The precise numbers of claims received and resolved remain
dc.publisherZagreb : Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilarsr
dc.sourcePilar : časopis za društvene i humanističke studijesr
dc.subjectŽidovi - imovinasr
dc.subjectŽidovi - povrat imovinesr
dc.subjectŽidovi - Zakon o naknadi za imovinu oduzetu za vrijeme jugoslavenske komunističke vladavinesr
dc.subjectJevreji - imovinasr
dc.subjectJevreji - restitucija imovinesr
dc.subjectJevreji - Zakon o naknadi za imovinu oduzetu za vreme jugoslavenske komunističke vladavinesr
dc.subjectJews - propertysr
dc.subjectJews - restitution of propertysr
dc.subjectJews - Law on the Restitution of Property Taken under the Yugoslav Communist Rulesr
dc.titlePovrat židovske imovine u Hrvatskoj (od donošenja Zakona o naknadi za imovinu oduzetu za vrijeme jugoslavenske komunističke vladavine do danas)sr
dc.titleThe Restitution of Jewish Property in Croatia (From the Enactment of the Law on the Restitution of Property Taken under the Yugoslav Communist Rule to the Present)sr
dc.citation.issue25-26 (1-2)

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