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Haggadah. Saying about the Exodus

dc.creatorPapo, Eliezer
dc.description.abstract„Po čemu se ovaj praznik - Pesah - razlikuje od svih ostalih naših praznika? Po tome što talmudski mudraci kažu de je Pesah ujedno i praznik slobode, ali i praznik stvaranja jevrejske nacije, praznik bez kojeg sve to ne bi bilo moguće. On je osnovni praznik oko kojeg se sve drugo okreće. Proslavom Pesaha mi ne obilježavamo uspomenu na događaje (izlazak iz Egipta) od prije 3500 god, nego prolazimo kroz transformacijsko iskustvo postizanja slobode, iskustvo kroz koje su naši praoci prošli prvi, dajući nam trajno tu karakternu osobinu. Jevrejski koncept slobode uključuje i odgovornost prihvaćanja posljedica svog izbora. Biti slobodan znači da čovjek sam odlučuje o svojoj budućnosti, o svijetu u kojem želi živjeti, i zato svako od nas mora sjesti, razmisliti i procijeniti, mora stvoriti sistem vrijednosti, formirati kriterijume da bi znao šta želi, u kom pravcu želi ići i koje stvari želi postići u životu. Zato su nam talmudski mudraci formirali Seder, pashalnu večeru, posredstvom koje bismo, u četrnaest koraka, trebali postići željeni nivo slobode. Knjiga koja nam je vodič kroz Seder zove se Hagada. Hagada (hebrejski: ,הַגָּדָּה "kazivanje") je jevrejski tekst koji iznosi redoslijed Pashalnog Sedera. Čitanje Hagade za stolom tokom Seder večere ispunjenje je micve (Božije zapovijesti) svakom Jevreju da ispriča svom sinu priču iz Knjige Izlaska, o Izraelcima koji su izbavljeni iz ropstva, uključujući izlazak iz Egipta Božijom rukom (I reći ćeš svom sinu toga dana govoreći: To je zbog onoga što je Gospod učinio za mene kad sam izašao iz Egipta. Izl. 13: 8). Prema jevrejskoj tradiciji, Hagada, kakvu imamo danas (tzv. Hagada dijaspore), je sastavljena tokom razdoblja Mišne i Talmuda, iako tačan datum nije poznat. Hagada sa komentarima je najštampanija knjiga u istoriji Judaizma, skoro da nema jevrejske zajednice koja nije štampala svoju verziju. Tako je došlo vrijeme da i mlada Jevrejska zajednica Crne Gore stampa svoju Hagadu, u najboljoj tradiciji puno starijih jevrejskih zajednica...“ (deo iz Uvodne reči Vrhovnog rabina Crne Gore Luciana Moše Prelevića).sr
dc.description.abstract"How is this holiday - Pesach - different from all our other holidays? Because the Talmudic wise man say that Pesach is at the same time a holiday of freedom, but also a holiday of the creation of the Jewish nation, a holiday without which all of this would not be possible. It is the basic holiday around which everything else revolves. By celebrating Pesach, we are not commemorating the events (the exodus from Egypt) from 3500 years ago, but we are going through a transformational experience of achieving freedom, an experience that our forefathers went through first, giving us that character trait permanently. The Jewish concept of freedom includes the responsibility of accepting the consequences of one's choice. Being free means that a person decides for himself about his future, about the world in which he wants to live, and that is why each of us must sit down, think and evaluate, must create a system of values, and form criteria in order to know what he wants, in which direction he wants to go and which things he wants to achieve in life. That is why the Talmudic sages formed the Seder, the Passover dinner, through which, in fourteen steps, we should achieve the desired level of freedom. The book that guides us through the Seder is called the Haggadah. The Haggadah (Hebrew: הַגָּדָּה "telling") is a Jewish text that outlines the order of the Passover Seder. Reading the Haggadah at the table during the Seder dinner is the fulfilment of the mitzvah (God's commandment) for every Jew to tell his son the story from the Book of Exodus, about the Israelites who were delivered from slavery, including the exodus from Egypt by the hand of God (And you shall say to your son on that day, saying: That is because of what the Lord did for me when I came out of Egypt (Ex. 13:8). According to Jewish tradition, the Haggadah as we have it today (the so-called Haggadah of the Diaspora) was composed during the period of the Mishnah and the Talmud, although the exact date is unknown. The Haggadah with commentary is the most printed book in the history of Judaism, there is almost no Jewish community that has not printed its own version. So the time has come for the young Jewish community of Montenegro to print its own Haggadah, in the best tradition of much older Jewish communities..." (part from the opening speech of the Chief Rabbi of Montenegro, Lucian Moše Prelević).sr
dc.publisherPodgorica : Jevrejska zajednica Crne Goresr
dc.subjectHagada - uputstvo za obredsr
dc.subjectHaggadah - instructions for the ritesr
dc.titleAgada. Kazivanje o izlaskusr
dc.titleHaggadah. Saying about the Exodussr
dc.description.otherPriredio, transliterovao, preveo i bilješkama popratio Eliezer Papo.sr



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