Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

A contribution to the political life of Sarajevo Jews between the two World Wars

dc.contributorDujmović, Sonja
dc.creatorBrkljača, Seka
dc.description.abstractDruštveni život Jevreja u Sarajevu, kao i u cijeloj Bosni, Bosni i Hercegovini, nije od doseljavanja u 16. pa negdje do polovine 20. stoljeća imao nekih velikih i važnih događaja, vidno istaknutih i čuvenih ličnosti, a ni znamenitih buna, bitaka i socijalnih pokreta, slavnih vođa i poznatih bundžija, niti je izazivao značajan diplomatski interes i akcije kao druge tačke i procesi bosanskohercegovačke povijesti, ali je svim državnim konstrukcijama na ovom prostoru izrazito lojalan taj ukorijenjeni doseljeni domaći gradski svijet svojim tihim životom i djelovanjem na privrednom i kulturnom polju ostavio neizbrisiv pečat u mozaiku konfesionalno socijalnih stratuma bosanskohercegovačkih gradova. Cilj rada je da dâ prilog razvoju jedne od komponenti života jevrejskog društva u Sarajevu, a to je specifičan način inkluzije u javni život kroz politički angažman, odnosno predstavnička tijela, sa akcentom na pragmatično djelovanje njegove društvene elite koja, opet sa svoje strane, u cilju uspješnog poslovanja i mirnog života zajednice pokušava da iskoristi sve prednosti političkih sistema, od klasičnog osmanskog, perioda reformi u Osmanskom carstvu, zatim austrougarskog te onoga u Kraljevini SHS / Jugoslaviji u praskozorje novog svjetskog
dc.description.abstractFrom their settlement in the sixteenth to the mid-twentieth century, the social life of Jews in Sarajevo, as in the rest of Bosnia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, was not marked by particularly great and important events, noticeably prominent and well-known personalities, nor significant rebellions, battles and social movements, famous leaders or rebels, nor did it cause important diplomatic interest or actions like some other points or processes of Bosnian and Herzegovinian history. Nevertheless, the settled local urban population, which was extremely loyal to all state constructs in this area, left an indelible trace in the mosaic of confessional strata in the towns of Bosnia and Herzegovina through their quiet life and activities in the fields of economy and culture. The aim of this work is to provide a contribution to the development of one of the components of the Jewish community in Sarajevo, which was the specific way of inclusion into public life through political engagement, that is to say, representative bodies, with an accent on the pragmatic action of their social elites who, from their part, with the goal of conducting successful business transactions and leading a peaceful life within the community, attempted to use all the advantages of the political systems, from the classical Ottoman one, the period of reforms in the Ottoman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian one, to the system within the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes / Yugoslavia on the eve of a new global
dc.publisherSarajevo : Univerzitet u Sarajevu - Institut za historijusr
dc.subjectJevreji - Bosna i Hercegovinasr
dc.subjectJevreji - Sarajevosr
dc.subjectJevreji - osmanski periodsr
dc.subjectJevreji - austrougarski periodsr
dc.subjectJevreji- Kraljevina SHS / Jugoslavijasr
dc.subjectJevreji - gradska upravasr
dc.subjectJevreji - izborisr
dc.subjectJews - Bosnia and Herzegovinasr
dc.subjectJews - Sarajevosr
dc.subjectJews - Ottoman periodsr
dc.subjectJews - Austro-Hungarian periodsr
dc.subjectJews - Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes/Yugoslaviasr
dc.subjectJews - civic governmentsr
dc.subjectJews - electionssr
dc.titlePrilog proučavanju političkog života Jevreja Sarajeva između dva svjetska ratasr
dc.titleA contribution to the political life of Sarajevo Jews between the two World Warssr



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