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The Apostles: a novel

dc.creatorGaspar, Lebrecht
dc.identifier.isbn978-86-81192-27-6 (UNPS)
dc.description.abstractRoman „Apostoli“ kao nastavak ili druga polovina predhodog romana „Pustinja“, koji skupa ali i pojedinačno čini izvanredno višeslojno prozno delo koje pored nesumnjivog istorijskog, mitološkog i pre svega etičkog aspekta sadrži i niz autobiografskih elemenata kao i civilizacijskih i egzistencijalnih promišljanja koja uspostavljaju neraskidivu vezu između daleke prošlosti i sadašnjosti. Radnja romana smeštena je u Jerusalimu i odvija se u tri dana jevrejskog praznika Pashe, od petka do nedelje, od trenutka uhićenja propovednika, Jehošue (Isusa Hrista), do kraja dana u kome je kako se veruje uskrsnuo u telu. Vertikalu priče čini mit novozavetnog narativa; hvatanje, suđenje, raspeće i uskrsnuće sina čovekovog, Isusa Hrista. Roman ne prati tok suđenja, mučenja, prolaska ulicom suza i konačno raspeća već ih samo dotiče i spominje u meri u kojoj je to nužno, računajući na opštu prepoznatljivost te mitologijske priče. Autor gradi svoj narativ dekonstruišući tu mit posebnim istorijsko-društveno-socijalno-političkim kontekstom, ali ga i ne osporavajući već likove apostola deidealizuje, očovečuje ih i čini ih savremenim. Time im daje krajnje prepoznatljive i savremene karaktere bazirane na osobenim i ličnim interesima jer novozavetnom narativu pridodaje novi aspekt - politički karakter Isusovog socijalno-religijskog pokreta. Ta radnja poprima sasvim novo ali i vrlo realno i moguće sagledavanje tih burnih događanja koji su bitno uticali na istoriju i zapadnu civilizaciju, ali koji su prepoznatljivi i u savremenom društvu. Roman paralelno prati: aktivnosti učenika, apostola i njihove međusobne odnose koji se kako vreme i događaji odmiču menjaju i poprimaju drugačije dimenzije i konotacije i što je bitno razvija se sukob između podeljenih grupa i interesa; odnos između učenika i Mirijam iz Migdale, aktivnosti jerusalimskih svetovnih (Sinedrin) i hramovnih vlasti i konačno, okupacionih, rimskih vlasti. Na koncu, ništa manje centralne ličnosti su sa jedne strane Filip, apostol koji je u određenom smislu i narator romana iako to nije vidljivo na prvi pogled i Alilah, zapravo Svetlonosac (Lucifer, Satanel, đavo) koji i nije toliko crn kako se njegov mitski lik predstavlja, ali je nesumnjivo i dalje emanacija zla u materijalnom svetu i na određeni način određuje njegovu suštinu.sr
dc.description.abstractThe novel "The Apostles" is a continuation of the second half of the previous novel "The Desert", which forms an extraordinary multi-layered prose that, in addition to the undoubted historical, mythological and above all ethical aspects, also contains several autobiographical elements as well as civilizational and existential reflections that establish an inseparable connection between distant past and present. The novel is set in Jerusalem and takes place during the three days of the Jewish holiday of Passover, from Friday to Sunday, from the moment of the arrest of the preacher, Yehoshua (Jesus Christ), to the end of the day when he believes that he resurrected. The vertical of the story is the myth of the New Testament narrative; capture, trial, crucifixion and resurrection of the son of man, Jesus Christ. The novel does not follow the course of the trial, torture, passing through the street of tears and finally the crucifixion, but only touches and mentions them to the extent that it is necessary, counting on the general recognition of that mythological story. The author builds his narrative by deconstructing that myth with a special historical, social and political context, but without challenging it, he deidealizes the characters of the apostles, humanizes them and makes them contemporary. It gives them extremely recognizable and contemporary characters based on special and personal interests because it adds a new aspect to the New Testament narrative - the political character of Jesus' social-religious movement. That action takes on a completely new but also very realistic and possible perception of those stormy events that significantly influenced history and Western civilization, but which are also recognizable in contemporary society. The novel follows in parallel: the activities of the students, the apostles and their mutual relations, which as time and events progress, change and take on different dimensions and connotations, and what is important, the conflict between divided groups and interests develops; the relationship between the disciples and Miriam of Magdala, the activities of the Jerusalem secular (Sanhedrin) and temple authorities and finally, the occupying, Roman authorities. In the end, no less central figures are, on the one hand, Philip, the apostle who is in a certain sense also the narrator of the novel, although this is not visible at first glance, and Alilah, actually the Light Bearer (Lucifer, Satan, the devil) who is not as black as his mythical figure represents, but is undoubtedly still an emanation of evil in the material world and determines its essence in a certain way.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Udruženje nezavisnih pisaca Srbijesr
dc.subjectistorijski romansr
dc.subjecthistorical novelsr
dc.titleApostoli: romansr
dc.titleThe Apostles: a novelsr
dc.description.otherGaspar Lebrecht je pseudonim Živojina Ivkovića.sr
dc.description.otherOvaj roman je 2021. godine na 65. nagradnom konkursu Saveza jevrejskih opština Srbije, dobio Prvu nagradu „Ženi Lebl“ (this novel received the First Prize "Ženi Lebl" in 2021, at the 65th award competition of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia).
dc.description.otherBiblioteka Vertikale. Edicija Savremeni roman.



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