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The desert: a novel

dc.creatorIvković, Živojin
dc.description.abstractŠimun živi mirnim, pregalačkim životom s porodicom u Jerusalimu. Sve se menja kada Varava ubije njegovu kćerku Rebeku. Pošto Pontije Pilat oslobodi osuđenog Varavu, Šimun odlučuje da preuzme pravdu u svoje ruke, ubija zločinca i beži. Progoneći ga, bahati rimski vojnici izazivaju smrt njegove žene Sare. Nakon tih tragedija, Šimun odlazi u pustinju vapeći za jedinim mogućim izlazom - smrću. Ali tu se neočekivano sreće s bićem čiju prirodu ne prepoznaje - da li je to sin božji, Bog, Sotona ili Šemhazal, jedna od njegovih emanacija? Šimun spoznaje da ništa nije onakvo kakvim bismo, usled svoje ograničenosti i samoljubivosti, želeli da bude... Šimunova drama u pustinji narativno se prepliće s doživljajima njegovog starijeg sina Aleksandra, kao i s poslednjim časovima života Isusa Hrista. Roman „Pustinja" predstavlja višeslojno, provokativno i kontroverzno viđenje događaja koji su izmenili tok svetske civilizacije, napisano kroz prizmu piščeve lične tragedije, univerzalne i vanvremenske odrednice, koja je postala epicentar njegovog života i promišljanja. Iz rakursa pashalnih zbivanja od pre dve hiljade godina, „Pustinja“ oslikava društvo i ljudsku prirodu, ali i preispituje likove novozavetnih jevanđelja, prikazujući ljudsku prirodu pojedinih apostola iz posebne perspektive. Filozofska i teološka preispitivanja, ograničenost ljudske prirode, postojanje sudbine ili pak dela božje promisli, ali i pitanja dobra i zla u čoveku, osnovne su niti od kojih je satkan ovaj roman, priča koju ljudski rod odgonetava od pamtiveka, ali čije su mu tajne izgleda nedostižne.sr
dc.description.abstractŠimun lives a quiet, peaceful life with his family in Jerusalem. Everything changes when Varava kills his daughter Rebeka. After Pontius Pilate frees the convicted Varava, Šimon decides to take justice into his own hands, kills the criminal and escapes. Chasing after him, haughty Roman soldiers cause the death of his wife Sarah. After those tragedies, Šimun goes to the desert crying out for the only possible way out - death. But there he unexpectedly meets a being whose nature he does not recognize - is it the son of God, God, Satan or Shemhazal, one of his emanations? Šimun realizes that nothing is as we would like it to be, due to our limitations and selfishness... Šimun's drama in the desert narratively intertwines with the experiences of his older son Alexander, as well as with the last hours of Jesus Christ's life. The novel "The Desert" represents a multi-layered, provocative and controversial view of the events that changed the course of world civilization, written through the prism of the writer's personal tragedy, a universal and timeless determinant, which became the epicentre of his life and thinking. From the perspective of Easter events from two thousand years ago, "The Desert" portrays society and human nature, but also examines the characters of the New Testament gospels, showing the human nature of individual apostles from a special perspective. Philosophical and theological questioning, the limitations of human nature, the existence of fate or acts of divine providence, but also the questions of good and evil in man, are the basic threads from which this novel is weaved, a story that mankind has been unravelling since time immemorial, but whose secrets it seems unattainable.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Udruženje nezavisnih pisaca Srbijesr
dc.subjectistorijski romansr
dc.subjecthistorical novelsr
dc.titlePustinja: romansr
dc.titleThe desert: a novelsr
dc.description.otherŽivojin Ivkovića se pojavljuje i pod pseudonimom Gaspar Lebrecht.sr
dc.description.otherBiblioteka Virtuelne vertikale. Edicija Savremeni roman, No. 1.



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