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The Jewish background to the Christian worship

dc.contributorMilićević, Vukašin
dc.creatorBekvit, Rodžer T.
dc.description.abstractHrišćanstvo je po svom poreklu jevrejska religija. Kao i njegovi prvi sledbenici i sam Isus Hristos je bio Jevrejin. Judaizam prvoga veka, naročito u rasejanju, ali i u Palestini, je bio pod znatnim uticajem grčke misli, kulture i jezika, premda su njegovi koreni i dalje bili u Starom zavetu, a osnovni jezici i dalje jevrejski i aramejski. Naravno, Isusovo učenje je u velikoj meri originalno, ali sve ono u njemu tradicionalno duguje judaizmu, pre nego nekom drugom izvoru. Osim toga, Isus Hristos i njegovi učenici su se u svom radu u velikoj meri prilagođavali jevrejskim običajima. Kada se, prema tome, postavi pitanje na kojim je osnovama vaspostavljeno hrišćansko bogosluženje, jedini odgovor koji može da se da jeste da je to jevrejsko bogosluženje. Grčki uticaji na hrišćansko bogosluženje, koji se isprva nisu dotakli jevrejskog bogosluženja, uglavnom su kasnijeg datuma. Hrišćansko bogosluženje je od početka projavljivalo originalnost hrišćanstva, ali je u njemu takođe bio vidljiv i njegov tradicionalni, jevrejski
dc.description.abstractChristianity is a Jewish religion in its origin. Like his first followers, Jesus Christ himself was a Jew. Judaism of the first century, especially in the dispersion, but also in Palestine, was under the considerable influence of Greek thought, culture and language, although its roots were still in the Old Testament, and the basic languages were still Jewish and Aramaic. Of course, Jesus' teaching is largely original, but everything in it traditionally owes to Judaism, rather than to any other source. In addition, Jesus Christ and his disciples adapted to Jewish customs to a great extent in their work. When, therefore, the question is raised based on which Christian worship was established, the only answer that can be given is that it is Jewish worship. Greek influences on Christian worship, which at first did not touch Jewish worship, are generally of a later date. From the beginning, Christian worship manifested the originality of Christianity, but its traditional, Jewish character was also visible in
dc.publisherBeograd : Bogoslovski fakultet Srpske pravoslavne crkvesr
dc.sourceLogos: časopis studenata Bogoslovskog fakulteta SPCsr
dc.subjecthrišćanstvo - judaizamsr
dc.subjecthrišćansko bogosluženje - judaizamsr
dc.subjectChristianity - Judaismsr
dc.subjectChristian worship - Judaismsr
dc.titleJevrejska pozadina hrišćanskog bogosluženjasr
dc.titleThe Jewish background to the Christian worshipsr
dc.description.otherČlanak "The Jewish background to the Christian worship" preuzet je iz: "The Study of Liturgy", SPCK London - Oxford University Press New York, rev. ed. 1992. Tekst sa engleskog jezika preveo Vukašin Milićević.sr

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