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Elementary school of the Jewish community in Apatin

dc.contributorŠimunović, Tomislav
dc.contributorObradović, Radivoj
dc.creatorPoganj, Karlo
dc.description.abstractU 18. veku sa nemačkim kolonistima došli su i kolonisti Jevreji. U spisku prvih kolonista (1764) koji su pristigli u Apatin nalaze se Volf Abraham (Wolf Abraham) i Juda Volf (Jude Wolf). Abraham je stigao u novembru 1758. godine. 1781. godine objavljena je Uredba o toleranciji. Prema novom zakonu Jevreji su postali ravnopravni građani i svoje stanove su mogli imati i u gradovima. Do tada im je bilo zabranjeno naseljavanje u zatvorenim gradovima. Zbog toga su se nastanili u opštinama blizu gradova kao što je, u to vreme, bio Apatin. Od tada broj Jevreja i jevrejskih porodica polako raste i 1900. godine postiže svoj maksimum. Jedan od izvora koji ukazuju na postojanje Jevrejske škole u Apatinu je i knjiga Baslera i Bekera (Bassler i Becker) iz 1898. godine, u kojoj se pominje i ta škola: "Jevrejska Crkvena Opština najmanje 50 godina ima jednu, sada šestorazrednu narodnu školu sa jednim učiteljem, koja je prema najmodernijim zahtevima sagrađena i uređena“. Dakle, ta šestorazredna škola verovatno je nastala pre 1848. godine i bila je dvogodišnja seoska škola do 1868/69 godine tj. do donošenja Zakona o narodnom prosveć
dc.description.abstractIn the 18th century, Jewish colonists came with the German colonists. In the list of the first colonists (1764) who arrived in Apatin, there are Wolf Abraham and Jude Wolf. Abraham arrived in November 1758. In 1781, the Decree on Tolerance was published. According to the new law, Jews became equal citizens and could have their apartments in cities. Until then, they were forbidden to settle in closed cities. That is why they settled in municipalities near cities, such as Apatin, at that time. Since then, the number of Jews and Jewish families has grown slowly and reached its maximum in 1900. One of the sources that indicate the existence of the Jewish school in Apatin is the book by Bassler and Becker from 1898, in which that school is also mentioned: "The Jewish Church Municipality has had one, now a six-grade public school with one teacher, which was built and arranged according to the most modern requirements". Therefore, that sixth-grade school was probably created before 1848 and was a two-year village school until 1868/69, i.e. until the passing of the Law on Public
dc.publisherApatin : Turistička organizacija Apatinsr
dc.sourceIster: kultura, nauka: zborniksr
dc.subjectOsnovna škola Jevrejske crkvene opštine Apatinsr
dc.subjectElementary school of the Jewish church community of Apatinsr
dc.subjectosnovna škola, jevrejskasr
dc.subjectJewish elementary schoolsr
dc.subjectjevrejska škola - Apatin
dc.subjectJewish school - Apatin
dc.titleOsnovna škola jevrejske opštine u Apatinusr
dc.titleElementary school of the Jewish community in Apatinsr



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