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A contribution to the study of the synagogue in Vojvodina - the synagogue in Apatin

dc.creatorStražmešterov, Ljiljana
dc.creatorRadovanović, Dejan
dc.description.abstractKako sakralne judaističke regule definišu mesto obavljanja verskih obreda kao zgradu ili prostoriju odgovarajućih zahteva prilagođenih svrsi, prva sinagoga u Apatinu je bila zakupljena jednostavno opremljena kuća. Apatinski Jevreji, i svi koji su gravitirali ovom većem centru jevrejstva Bačke 18. veka, nastojali su da dobiju pravo na podizanje sinagoge. Danas, u cilju očuvanja Kompleksa apatinske sinagoge i sećanja na učešće ovog zdanja u životu Apatinaca u prošlosti pokrenuto je njegovo proglašenje za kulturno dobro - spomenik kulture. I ovaj rad nastao je kao potreba da se doprinese boljem poznavanju sinagoga, pre svega na teritoriji AP Vojvodine, ukazujući istovremeno na značaj jevrejske zajednice, koja je dala snažan pečat razvoju Apatina. Objekat je od svog nastanka pa sve do danas imao društvenu funkciju, te je ideja da mu se nađe nova namena, koja će biti u skladu sa njegovim spomeničkim svojstvima.sr
dc.description.abstractAs sacred Judaic rules define the place of religious rites as a building or room of appropriate requirements adapted to the purpose, the first synagogue in Apatin was a rented furnished house. Apatin Jews, and all who gravitated to this larger centre of Bačka Jewry in the 18th century, tried to get the right to build a synagogue. Today, to preserve the Complex of the Apatin Synagogue and to remember the participation of this building in the life of the people of Apatin in the past, it has been declared a cultural asset - a cultural monument. This work was created as a need to contribute to a better knowledge of synagogues, primarily in the territory of AP Vojvodina, pointing out at the same time the importance of the Jewish community, which gave a strong stamp to the development of Apatin. The building has had a social function from its inception until today, so the idea is to find a new purpose for it, which will be in line with its monumental properties.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Društvo konzervatora Srbijesr
dc.sourceGlasnik Društva konzervatora Srbijesr
dc.subjectsinagoga - Apatinsr
dc.subjectsynagogue - Apatinsr
dc.titlePrilog proučavanju sinagoga u Vojvodini - sinagoga u Apatinusr
dc.titleA contribution to the study of the synagogue in Vojvodina - the synagogue in Apatinsr



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